Sunday, January 9, 2022

The WORK I do


2 Timothy 3:15-17

King James Version

15 And that from a child 

thou hast known the holy scriptures, 

which are able to make thee wise unto salvation 

through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

16 All scripture is given by inspiration of God, 

and is profitable for doctrine, 

for reproof, 

for correction, 

for instruction in righteousness:

17 That the man of God may be perfect, 

thoroughly furnished unto all good works.

SCRIPTURE -- the WORD of GOD -- is all I care to know.

It is my go-to for everything.

GOD made me born again 28 months ago, and He is my devotion.

I write this post to share with you (as well as remind myself) of the PATH I took, in sharing Scripture with you each day.

SPIRIT gave me this particular instruction on 26 July 2021, which became the basis for our main blog:

"That all men may know the BIBLE, 

and live by it."

And now, the verses that guide me in my work for GOD, as writer:

Psalm 73:25-26

King James Version

25 Whom have I in heaven but thee

and there is none upon earth that I desire 

beside thee.

26 My flesh and my heart faileth

but God is the strength of my heart, 

and my portion for ever.

Psalm 119:97

King James Version

97 O how love I thy law! 

it is my meditation all the day.

Isaiah 14:27

King James Version

27 For the Lord of hosts hath purposed, 

and who shall disannul it? 

and his hand is stretched out, 

and who shall turn it back?

Isaiah 40:8

King James Version

8 The grass withereth, the flower fadeth

but the word of our God shall stand for ever.

Ezekiel 33:6

King James Version

6 But if the watchman see the sword come, 

and blow not the trumpet, 

and the people be not warned; 

if the sword come, 

and take any person from among them, 

he is taken away in his iniquity; 

but his blood will I require 

at the watchman's hand.

John 3:30

King James Version

30 He must increase, 

but I must decrease.

John 15:5

King James Version

5 I am the vine, 

ye are the branches

He that abideth in me, 

and I in him, 

the same bringeth forth much fruit

for without me ye can do nothing.

1 Corinthians 2:2

King James Version

2 For I determined not to know any thing among you

save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.

Colossians 3:17

King James Version

17 And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, 

do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, 

giving thanks to God 

and the Father by him.

2 Timothy 2:15

King James Version

15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, 

a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, 

rightly dividing the word of truth.

Related material:

GOD wanted me to WRITE

The TASK given me

GOD's GLORY blogs

Updated 6 February 2024

Friday, July 31, 2020

Winning the Supernatural Battle

Ephesians 6:10-18
King James Version

10 Finally, 
my brethren, 
be strong in the Lord, 
and in the power of his might.
11 Put on the whole armour of God, 
that ye may be able to stand 
against the wiles of the devil.
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, 
but against principalities, 
against powers, 
against the rulers of the darkness of this world, 
against spiritual wickedness in high places.
13 Wherefore take unto you 
the whole armour of God, 
that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, 
and having done all, 
to stand.
14 Stand therefore, 
having your loins girt about with truth, 
and having on the breastplate of righteousness;
15 And your feet shod 
with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
16 Above all, 
taking the shield of faith, 
wherewith ye shall be able to quench 
all the fiery darts of the wicked.
17 And take the helmet of salvation, 
and the sword of the Spirit, 
which is the word of God:
18 Praying always with all prayer 
and supplication in the Spirit, 
and watching thereunto with all perseverance 
and supplication for all saints;

It has been quite a journey.

All those dreams, and visions, from decades ago.

And now, incorporated into 22 books on spiritual warfare, written in 36 days. 

How precious the guidance I had been receiving from the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD, the moment GOD led me to JESUS last year.

And I learned something new today as I got to the 25th minute of Chuck Missler's important video on "Expectations of the Antichrist" (Session 4).

He said it was a "supernatural warfare" going on.

And that all these goings on were in the "metacosm", the habitation of angels and demons. 

The battle is real, even as it is crafted in the spirit.

Actually, it's in the spirit world where the real battle goes on, that's why man has to have his heart right with the LORD, if he is to survive.

Consider the enemy:

Ephesians 6:12 
King James Version

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, 
but against principalities, 
against powers, 
against the rulers of the darkness 
of this world, 
against spiritual wickedness 
in high places.

How to succeed in this supernatural warfare battle, where, according to Chuck Missler, humans are the "pawns", and the "prize"?

Here's how, by putting on the whole Armor of God: 

Ephesians 6:14-18
King James Version

14 Stand therefore, 
having your loins girt about with truth, 
and having on 
the breastplate of righteousness; 

15 And your feet shod 

with the preparation 
of the gospel of peace;

16 Above all, 
taking the shield of faith, 
wherewith ye shall be able to quench 
all the fiery darts of the wicked.

17 And take the helmet of salvation, 
and the sword of the Spirit, 
which is the word of God:

18 Praying always 
with all prayer 
and supplication in the Spirit, 
and watching thereunto 
with all perseverance 
and supplication for all saints;

I found that breaking it down, in bite-sized phrases, allows me the ability to understand Bible verses better.

I hope it does the same for you. 

Stay strong in the LORD.
Believe in the power of His might.
And you will be victorious in CHRIST!

(All verses from

Updated 6 February 2024

Sunday, April 12, 2020

A Writing Ministry

I had no idea I had a "writing" ministry, but apparently, Joseph, my Bible teacher, thought so.

He told me this, over two weeks ago.

All I know is that when "prompted" by the HOLY SPIRIT, I'd find myself writing, and writing, and writing.

So much so, that SPIRIT and I wrote 22 books on spiritual warfare in 36 days, on 24 November 2019 until 29 December 2019, as China was having the virus problem.

Spirit and I also wrote two more books on Jesus (non-fiction this time) after New Year.

Strangely enough, these books revealed the dreams and visions I'd been having for decades, which eerily echoed what the world was about to go through before the end of 2019 -- and what it was going through, all along.

It was surely God's perfect timing that I become a baby Christian on 6 September 2019, as proper preparation for those books.

In those 22 books, I had created a 26-year-old character, SCRIBU, the dream warrior, and scribe to Spirit.

SCRIBU stands for "Scripture-based understanding".

In between, Spirit and I wrote many posts on prophecy, and Bible passages often ignored.

I never knew when the "prompt" to write would come, but when it did, I had to pay attention to it right away, for it was just proper I'd pay attention to the Holy Spirit, and the Scripture verses that needed to be shared in my articles.

And because I was a writer, and internet marketer, I had the compulsion to share those prophecy posts, too.

Whether other marketers and readers cared, bought my books on Amazon, or paid attention, was of no immediate concern to me.

I was tasked to write, and I wrote.

They say you know if you really love your work, if you would do it, whether anyone cared to listen to you, or to "buy" your idea, product, or service.

And if no one did, you'd keep doing your work anyway.

The work had to stand on its own merits.

Well, I was in the service of the LORD.

I loved everything I was doing for Him.

It was the most enjoyable, unpaid work of my life!

The world wasn't paying me for my services.

All I do was free, as inspired, as prompted to write, and to share.

Joseph may just be right.

I may have a writing ministry.

Still, the Lord Jesus must be the focus:

John 3:30
King James Version
30 He must increase, 
but I must decrease.

You may want to read this earlier article, too:
"What the Word of God Means to Me As a Writer"

Related material

Updated 24 September 2024

Sunday, March 22, 2020

I Used To Wear Many Hats Once

Funny, I wore many hats once.

I'd be what they'd call, wearing "many hats", for I had dozens of various jobs in writing, design, fashion, marketing, communications, journalism, and entrepreneurship.

I also taught beginner's piano at one point 17 years ago.

My resume (which I try not to write anymore), is filled with odds and ends of sometimes totally unrelated stuff compared to what I first took up in college -- Architecture.

But that's how GOD created me, a compendium of sorts.

I felt weird enough as it was, but I also felt surely, God had a plan for His quirky child.

I reasoned, He didn't give me all this stuff to do, and develop, for no reason at all.

I truly felt like a square peg, in a round hole, when I see how all seem to have their act together, pursuing only one profession, and all that.

Some days, I'd cry inside my heart, and ask God, what am I really meant to do?

Most days, He was quiet.

Until that fateful day on 6 September 2019, a day before my birthday, when I told myself, I've got to get my act together, and come up with something solid.

Further, I began acknowledging my sins, and repenting of it.

That was probably what God was waiting for -- total surrender and repentance -- and He led me to two important videos from Dr. David R. Reagan, about how the rebellious nation, America, was "begging for destruction".

Did he have any idea how prophetic his videos were?

And what did America have to do with me?

Nevertheless, those two powerful videos paved the way for my becoming born-again -- through GOD -- as if my soul knew it was "time", and no later. 

That also signaled the end of the odd jobs, here and there -- which I could do, and have done, anyway.

Now, I know there was a purpose to all that exhaustive exercise.

It was part of my essential "training".

No one cared if I didn't have the qualifications or education -- like photojournalism -- and everything else.

They just knew I was an eager character, with eyes and heart dancing, for something worthwhile to do.

One look at my eyes, and they knew I could do anything I set my mind to do.

So, an English editor coached me very briefly how to use a camera, and in that same afternoon, I was covering a USO ball, with hundreds of American servicemen at the U.S. Embassy in Manila.

I don't know how I got another job earlier than that, with a German engineer, and his Filipino assistant.

I was draftswoman then, and was using the latest drawing table. You know how advanced Germans and Taiwanese are, and this was a semi-electronics firm at the Export Processing Zone Authority in Baguio City where I lived.

I left after a couple of weeks, as I preferred being in the "assembly" area with everyone else, but thing is, I chatted too much, and that was a no-no.

I loved asking how people were.

I preferred being with them, than being shut up in a tiny office with the German engineer and his Filipino assistant, with a cake the former brought, and forgot to share. He was too busy working, and so should I.

That very building -- among many others -- was destroyed completely during the infamous 16 July 1990 earthquake that hit Luzon, Philippines.

Again, God had planted me for a time, then "plucked" me out, before anything happened to his eager, and adventurous, daughter.

Apparently, He had many other plans for me, and that's a very long story, but since I'm a writer, I may just write about it sometime in the near future.

So, it's very true, I did wear many hats at work, and at home.

I was probably the strangest creature of all.

And no one even knew the particularly strange dreams and visions I was having since 1997, when I folded up all my shops in the big city, got a tiny row house in one of the nearby provinces, and sort of turned my back on the world.

I needed to heal away from the world, for even as my businesses were going strong, I was dying inside.

To this day, I'm still suffering financially from that "stepping back", as if the world was punishing me for doing so.

And now, after having written 22 books on spiritual warfare, and creating my young SCRIBU, the 26-year-old character who lived those decades-old dreams and visions I had, every piece of the puzzle began to finally fit.

How long I waited for it to become so!

But I always kept the faith that there was a purpose to my wearing so many hats, and learning so many things, and of course, God had always known that.

If you're wondering why your life is weird, why the world is weird, now I've come to know.

The Holy Spirit finally touched my tiny hat, and I was moved to do many new things in the service of the LORD.

John 14:26 
King James Version
"But the Comforter, 
which is the Holy Ghost, 
whom the Father will send in my name, 
he shall teach you all things, 
and bring all things to your remembrance, 
whatsoever I have said unto you."

As mentioned earlier, that event occurred a day before my birthday, November of last year, so you can say, it was with my invitation that I got my life straightened out, once and for all.

God knew the time was ripe, and I was ready for His instructions.

Well, the "instruction" was to write, and write, and write.

I did feel, ages ago, that there were many books in my heart.

GOD held the key, and He finally "unlocked" it from my being. 

As I quietly wrote those 22 books, in a span of 36 days, all through November, Christmas, and close to New Year of 2020, little did I know that what I dreamt once before, so many years ago, about three, worried molecular biologists, was actually already happening in China, and other parts of the world.

I've had so many crazy dreams and visions, the likes of which were similar to zombie films now. Is it a wonder I don't watch such movies, at all?

It was dark, and full of hidden meanings.

Soon as I started having those heavy dreams, I got myself a Carl Jung-inspired book on dream symbology, and began to understand the meaning of my dreams.

Again, God let me learn and experiment differently, as I even began selling books on esoteric subjects like alternative health, living, and thinking, at the big city's organic market, where I had a long table to display all those books and artifacts.

I love books and art, so things came naturally for me.

Of course, all those books were set aside completely, when GOD made me born-again, and I understood these were not of Christ.

What a humbling discovery!

Jesus knew I longed to sit at His feet and learn EVERYTHING from Him.

When GOD made me born again, JESUS took charge of my education, and re-education.

I sense it was all part of that education, the stumbling, the failing, the falling, and being in that posh and corporate world, which I'm now writing about through those 22 books.

Testing the waters of my first love -- which was writing -- I joined a number of literary contests in December 2019, and was informed two of my works (amazingly, I forgot the bodies of work, as I was just writing, and writing, night and day, as the Spirit prompted me) may just be included in anthologies, and who knows if they may even win a prize?

My father, a brilliant surgeon and physician, dissuaded me from taking up Journalism, as he said there was no money in it.

He said I would break my back writing, so "commanded" I take up Architecture instead, as I loved to draw and paint as a child.

How about Archaeology?

How about Sociology?

How about Commerce?

Surely, that was also part of God's plan, that I be asked to do something else that was not in my heart.

I can only imagine, it's probably to test how much I loved writing.

Folks, I can't not love writing.

I joked I had an Underwood typewriter when I was in my Mama's womb, and was typing away, night and day, with my mom hushing me every so often, as people needed to sleep.

I loved writing essays in High School, and I only needed to be given a word, just one word, and I'd be off writing.

My heart invented the word "keyword", before SEO folks used it in this digital age.

My heart was already churning much, even then.

But I had my limits.

To this day, given many opportunities to embrace Shakespeare, I have not, and I apologize.

My English teacher in High School would often look questioningly in my direction, to please "de-code" the Bard's words.

I was as clueless as my un-interested classmates.

Much later on, a mother asked I coach her "autistic" son about Shakespeare, but I had to leave for the U.S., and that saved me from having to do that, even as I bought a book on him, giving myself a chance to understand his Old English language.

As you can imagine, that book remained unopened throughout my trip.

Little did I know, I was to focus on the King James Version of the Bible, also Old English.

Ah, but that, my heart loved!

I only use the KJV for my Bible readings now.

As you can see, I can go on and on about those many hats I wore, the rich, varied experiences of my life and work, but like I said, it may end up in a book.

I write fast, and furiously.

I can't not be that way.

One word from SPIRIT, and I'm off!

All because it's from the WORD of God -- Jesus.

Now, no other words matter but His Word.

Perhaps, this was what JESUS was waiting for me to see, before my writing finally blossomed.

I needed the Living Water so I can blossom as a writer.

Such a beautiful thought!

I didn't even know I was going to write this piece, until I got up, and just did it.

I thank GOD for opening the doors to my heart, and finally allowing my writing to shine, and most importantly, for His service.

I am completely, and fully, in JESUS' service.

If you wish to see my 22 books (actually, 26) on Amazon, here's the link!

Thank you for being with me, and bearing with me.

GOD bless your kind heart!

Updated 6 February 2024

Friday, March 20, 2020

22 Books on Spiritual Warfare

Perhaps, I knew my dreams had value.
Considering I'd been dreaming strange dreams, since I was a child.
Thus, I kept taking notes, trying to make sense of them.
Then, one day, GOD made me born again.
Now, the dreams make sense.
These books reveal those dreams, fiction as these may be:

1. ARMAGEDDREAMS: 12 Ways the Sleeping World Will Perish 
2. SCRIBU: The Dream Warrior 
3. THE ANCIENT BLACK BOOK: Stuff for those who care to wake up
4. THE ALABASTER ANGEL: Guarding the sacred throne 
5. RECONCILIATION: Scribu chooses God
6. THE JEALOUS GOD: No other gods before Him
7. THE HIDDEN GIFTS: Scribu’s little secrets
8. SCRIBE TO SPIRIT: Writing to rock the world
9. THE BABY CHRISTIAN: Protecting the new sheep
10. THE DESTROYER’S DEVICES: Identifying evil in the world
11. SCRIBU GETS GOD RIGHT: What the Bible says
12. IMPERVIOUS TO EVIL: When evil can’t touch you
13. THE PHLEGM FACTORY: Creating every day assassins
15. MASSIVE MONEY MACHINE: Where it’s all at
16. SNUFFING THE SPIRIT: The tale of the heartless ones
17. ENEMIES OF THE WORD: On witches, warlocks, wizards, and warlords
18. MODERN-DAY VAMPIRES: How others feed upon us
19. GRACE FROM GOD: Happiness for Seth
20. PROPHET OF MARKETS: The world is ripe for change
21. THE TEACHER OF NO REPUTATION: Contemplating the Divinity of CHRIST
22. HIGH BEAM SPIRIT: How one must seek GOD

What a journey!

Inspired by the HOLY SPIRIT, I first started writing spiritual warfare short fiction late November 2019, and published my first book on 24 November 2019 at Amazon.

I found myself finishing the 22nd book by 29 December 2019, not really knowing that there was biological chaos growing in China, and other parts of the world.

That's very strange to reflect upon now.

I was tasked to keep busy, and write, while something was brewing in the world, even as I had dreamt an inkling of it here.

I had no idea I could write fiction, but SPIRIT had other ideas.

The stories -- based on my dreams from decades ago -- were rich material for my books.

I had no idea they were going to be so relevant, especially with what's happening in the world today.

All I know is I dreamt what I dreamt, wrote it all down, turned it over in my heart, and when I became born-again, a day before my birthday last year, things started making sense.

Especially when I started reading the Bible.

Now, I don't feel so weird or strange anymore.

Now, I knew my dreams had purpose, and I was probably being "alerted" to things that most people don't pay attention to.

How can I say all my books came from the HOLY SPIRIT?

Only because I wrote it in record time -- all 22 books in 36 days, and the thoughts and words would just flow.

John 7:38
King James Version
38 He that believeth on me, 
as the scripture hath said, 
out of his belly shall flow 
rivers of living water.

Most importantly, all books are backed by Scripture.

I created SCRIBU, a fictional 26-year-old character who dreams the chief demon's schemes, to his great agitation.

How could she be in the know?

No one was supposed to know what he was up to.

How could she have known?

STONE, the chief warrior angel, and protector to SCRIBU, merely smiles knowingly.

This is the main theme of the 22 stories:

SCRIBU, the Dream Warrior, dreams,
SKAL, the Chief Demon, schemes,
STONE, the Chief Warrior Angel, protects, and
The SON, the Word of God, saves.

All books are priced low, at $2.99 -- all available solely on Amazon. 

Here's my Amazon author page, which shows all the books together.

You can also read about Bible prophecy here.

Related material:

Updated 6 February 2024

Saturday, January 18, 2020

"6 STEPS TO JESUS" Book on Amazon

The Holy Spirit dunnit.

I had barely put out my 23rd book on Amazon, when, just by doing chores yesterday morning, and thinking about a previous book I started writing about Christ -- remaining unfinished -- the "idea" for a new title came.

Just like that.

Thus, the unfinished book was shelved by the Holy Spirit, for I had not finished it in one sitting (that's how we write our books), and gave me a new title to work on.

Long story short, the book above was created, now the 24th book in my Amazon file, and also the 2nd non-fiction book on Jesus.

By studying the Bible, and focusing on Jesus' words, I was able to identify six (6) instructions He had for discipleship in His ministry.

No, you don't have to take up Theology, for this is for everyone who wish to know Jesus and His invitation for us to follow Him.

I was so excited to write this book, and share it with you.

As expected, Amazon worked as fast in putting out my 24th book, of which I am extremely proud of, for the Introduction was easy to start, but true commitment in the cause of Christ was in the writing of the first chapter.

After that, all my index card notes served their purpose, and all chapters flowed easily.

But I can't quite get over the fact that the first chapter was the "deciding factor" in my own followership.

Once I got through that hurdle, everything was as good as done.

Please welcome my 24th book, "6 Steps to Jesus", now LIVE on Amazon!

You can read a sample of my writing from that Amazon page.

As always, thank you for being here!

Without you, where would a writer be?

Thursday, January 16, 2020


Please welcome my first Christian non-fiction book, "Servant of Scripture" book.

This is my 23rd book, after writing 22 other short fiction books (since 24 November 2019) on the SCRIBU series on spiritual warfare.

I knew that I'd be writing a non-fiction book this year.

I also knew that I had to write that 22nd book before the end of last year.

Everything in God's good timing, of course. 

He worked with what I had in my heart.

He knew I loved Him, have always loved Him, and eager to know EVERYTHING about Him.

All my books, since I became a born-again Christian four months ago, speak of God and Scripture.

I write according to how I understand Scripture, although Christ makes it plain to everyone what He means in His instructions and prophecies.

Somehow, a child-like heart like mine understands His parables and lessons.

As I've described "Servant of Scripture" on Amazon:

"Easy to read, easy to understand, backed by Scripture, this book will tell you why reading the Bible is important in this season of the end times. This book was inspired by God this morning. It is also my first book for 2020."

So, you're getting this book fresh, as I wrote it in one sitting just this morning, and had it published in the same morning.

That's how the Holy Spirit works in me, really firing me up to do the work that needs to be done, so I can share the Good News of the Gospel, with people who care to listen.

You can even read a sample of the book when you go to the Amazon page, so I won't hold you back now, and give you the link to that right here.

You can also find all 23 books and blog posts (from two blogs) on my Amazon author page.